I’m Sönke Peters. I study computer science and work @ SAP.
I've loved technology since forever and started programming at 14, when I needed a software myself that was *way* to expensive. In my free time, I started working on my own projects, not knowing I would once do this full-time.
A few years later, I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in the IT field. I made the decision to change schools to take advanced level computer science classes, which helped me expand my skills and work on more ambitious projects. During this time, I learned about web development, cloud architecture, and cloud computing.
Anticipating the end of school and graduation, I was eager to work on real-life projects and join professional teams. That's when I founded my own company, became a freelancer and worked for clients next to school.
Today, I am doing a vocational training at SAP in Berlin. A vocational training is a mixture of theoretical bachelor studies and practical work at SAP, world market leader for enterprise software. In rotations of approximately 3 months each, I work in different teams at SAP or study computer science at the HWR Berlin.
Next to work and my bachelor studies, I work on my side-project RiddleRunner.